According to Teeka Tiwari – there are two ways to play the flood of metaverse IPOs coming to market: The first is what Teeka calls the “Hype Hole” path and the second – the “Blueprint” path.
By Teeka Tiwari, editor, Palm Beach Daily
Heed This Warning Before Investing in a Metaverse IPO
It’s the biggest money grab I’ve seen on Wall Street in 22 years…
The venture capitalists are coming in hot and heavy. The last time I saw Wall Street greed like this was the dot-com boom of 1999.
What’s it all about? The metaverse.
And it’s the most explosive trend I’ve seen since I began recommending cryptos nearly six years ago…
Just think about this: The first year of the dot-com boom was a roughly $100 billion wealth-creation event.
This year alone, an estimated $1 trillion will flood into metaverse-related projects.
So, over the next 365 days, we could see 10x the amount of money from the dot-com boom pour into the metaverse. That’s how huge the opportunity in front of us is.
In short, the metaverse is a digital world where we’ll eventually live, work, play, and interact with each other in innovative and previously unimaginable ways.
This megatrend will lure the entire world into its seductive maw… Just like how smartphones have eaten the attention of almost 6 billion people.
Just recently, Facebook – the 6th-largest U.S. company by market cap – rebranded itself under the name Meta… All to make its platform the primary entry point into the metaverse. Soon after, Microsoft and Apple followed suit.
And we’re seeing major companies from Visa to Nike take positions, too.
Teeka: “This ticker could double again.”
This ticker symbol has doubled in value this past year.
Experts predict it could double again in the coming months.
And yet, former New York Stock Exchange president Thomas Farley says this asset is “the best-kept secret in the world, and maybe in the history of financial markets.”
Former hedge fund manager Teeka Tiwari reveals why here.
You’ll get the name of the ticker, for free…
Plus how it could ultimately “disrupt” $867 trillion in the capital market and deliver 10X gains in the coming months.
That’s why Morgan Stanley projects the metaverse will have an $8 trillion addressable market by 2030.
Let that sink in: We’re about to see an average of $1 trillion per year over the next 8 years flow into this space.
And It’ll be the fastest and simplest way to potentially achieve your financial freedom this year.
How do I know this?
After another record year in 2021, the Economic Times predicts we’ll see even more IPO “fireworks” in 2022.
The metaverse will lead the charge…
Here’s Why I’m Warning You
We’ve done the research. There are 22 companies tied to the metaverse prepared to go public this year. And more are on the way.
But before you buy any of them, I want you to heed this warning…
The smart money is working against you to ensure you don’t understand the metaverse… yet.
BUY ALERT: Free Ticker Symbol Disrupting $867 Trillion in Capital Markets
Here’s what I mean…
There are two ways to play the flood of metaverse IPOs coming to market: What I call the “Hype Hole” path and the “Blueprint” path.
The Hype Hole is the one Wall Street is luring you down.
Down this path, they dupe you into buying an IPO by giving you – and make no mistake, they’re giving it to you – a double or a triple on your investment.
But this path could see you working 20 years longer to hit your “Freedom Number.”
Your Freedom Number is the amount of money you need to live the life you want. And the wrong IPOs can push your dreams out for decades.
“The Metaverse” – Tech’s #1 Investment for 2022?
Jeff Brown here and after 30-years as a tech insider…after calling the #1 Returning Tech Stock 4-times over…
I can say with confidence, Metaverse technologies give me the same feeling I had before I recommended Bitcoin and it shot up 27,000%… Tesla before it surged 1,400%… and NVIDIA before it spiked 3,000%…
We are on the cusp of a $33 trillion technology mega-convergence that will shake up the world.
Yahoo Finance says this is… “Big Tech’s latest obsession”
The CEO of the tech giant, NVIDIA, says, “[The Metaverse] is where we will create the future and transform how the world’s biggest industries operate”
And The World Economic Forum calls it an “Eye-opening disruption”
Grab my #1 FREE stock pick in “The Metaverse” …and discover how this technology will impact your day-to-day life… and why the world’s biggest tech leaders are “all-in”!
Click here to grab all the details before its too late.
The Blueprint path is what Wall Street elites and well-connected Silicon Valley insiders use to make their fortunes.
And they’re conspiring to send you down the Hype Hole while they use the Blueprint path to take the lion’s share of metaverse gains.
First, they’ll convince you to buy the latest metaverse projects when they go public. Then they’ll offload their Blueprint path shares on you for massive gains.
Take Amazon, for instance.
Venture capitalists (VCs) used the Blueprint path and made a 9,165% gain the day it went public…
But retail investors who followed the Hype Hole path and bought the same stock only made 31% that day.
TIME SENSITIVE: Jeff Brown issues a warning
Now, I’m not knocking a 31% gain. But it’s nothing like laughing all the way to the bank with a 9,165% gain.
Do you now see why they want to keep you off the Blueprint path?
Facebook is another example…
Hype Hole investors made just 1% the day it went public.
But the VC guy that followed the Blueprint path? He made about 200,000% that day… Enough to turn $500 into more than $1 million.
That’s the difference between the Blueprint and Hype Hole paths. One funds your financial freedom. The other funds someone else’s.
Top Investor Issues *Major Buy Alert*
Since 2016, Teeka Tiwari has trumped the stock market.
His investment recommendations have each averaged 281%. That’s 17 times the S&P. And 112 times the average investor, according to JPMorgan!
However, one investment Teeka just uncovered could top them all…
It involves former President Biden, billions of dollars, several large banks, and a super-rich family. As well as a MAJOR potential upgrade to our credit cards.
Teeka, who ended up correctly picking the last “investment of the decade,” is declaring this his top pick for the 2020s.
The Path to Financial Freedom
For years, insiders have dumped their cheap shares on Hype Hole investors. To get you to buy them, they price the deal so that you can make double, triple… and sometimes even quadruple returns.
While you’re popping champagne at your easy-money windfall, the insiders are laughing their butts off on the yacht you just bought for them.
That’s because Wall Street has conditioned you to think making a double or triple in a day is a lot. It isn’t.
They’re just table scraps Wall Street throws your way so they can offload their shares onto you for massive gains… and have you feeling like you got a great deal.
That’s the lure of the Hype Hole.
Meanwhile, you’re funding their Freedom Numbers. You’re buying their vacation homes… their new yachts… their dream cars.
That’s why on Wednesday, January 12, at 8 p.m. ET, I’m holding a special event called Freedom 2022.
During this briefing, I’ll show you how to take the Blueprint path so you don’t get skinned alive going down Wall Street’s Hype Hole.
Plus, I’ll share details about my first-ever Blueprint metaverse deal. It’s the type of Blueprint deal that could help you achieve your Freedom Number in 365 days or less.
Fair warning: What I reveal during this event will blow your mind. It’s also going to make you very angry.
Friends, if you don’t get intentional about the financial path you’re taking in life, then someone else will get intentional for you.
And you’ll be funding their dreams, not your own.
Don’t let Wall Street dupe you into buying their overpriced stocks. While you think you’re a hero for making a 31% gain, you’re giving up a chance for 9,165%.
Does that sound like a fair trade to you? Is it equitable? Is it right?
I don’t know about you, but it makes my blood boil.
So, join me Wednesday, January 12 at 8 p.m. ET for my first big event of 2022. And let me show you the right path to financial freedom this year.
Why is Jeff Brown throwing away a perfectly good $1,000 iPhone?
According to him, Apple is about to make a critical announcement that will send shockwaves through Wall Street.
If you own a smartphone, click here now…
Because this is guaranteed to affect you.
HINT: The iPhone days are coming to an end.
As a bonus for attending the big event, I’ve prepared a full-blown report with the name of my top metaverse play… and I’m giving it away to VIP pass holders for free.
No marketing BS, no strings attached, nothing. Plus, my past free picks have returned 19x average peak gains… so you’ve truly got nothing to lose.