By Matt McCall – Early Stage Investor
I predicted today’s bull market all the way back in 2009.
Barely anyone was thinking about buying stocks 10 years ago.
But today, I see investors making a very common mistake, and it could end up costing you thousands of dollars in profits.
Investors unknowingly fall into the “trap” of ignoring the one type of stock that outperforms all others.
This little-known stock is rarely followed by Wall Street analysts, often ignored by mainstream news outlets, and completely misunderstood by the average investor.
That’s why I decided to make an urgent warning for my readers… and why I’m holding an online event on Wednesday, Feb. 5.
I’ll give you my most recent update on the timeline of today’s bull market — including how long you can expect this high-growth period to last.
I’ll also explain the No. 1 mistake investors are making right now. And how to make sure this error doesn’t cost you tens of thousands.
Click here to reserve your spot to my online event for free.

I spent two decades investing in microcaps on behalf of institutional clients. Now I’m going public with a new project to help mainstream Americans learn how to cash in on this lucrative market too. Just a single microcap pick I made could’ve turned $10,000 into a rare $277,000. Click here for more.