Last night Jeff Brown discussed why now is the perfect time to get in on 5G… the best way to invest in it… and he even had an extended Q&A.
If you missed anything, you can watch a replay here.
But still, there were some questions that Jeff wasn’t able to get to. So, he wanted to answer some of them now…
What's your #1 5G stock?
It's a tiny chipmaker that most folks have never heard of. It's 1/400th the size of Qualcomm. Yet it has a stranglehold on a key technology that's about to be in every new 5G smartphone. If you get in on it now, it could easily be your biggest winner this year... and the next several years.
Does 5G have trouble penetrating building walls, windows, etc?
Yes, 5G still has dead spots. But there's a simple reason for it: these rollouts are gradual. Think of it like America's road system. It wasn't rolled out all at once. Roads and freeways are built gradually. You build a road, start using it... you build another road, and start using it. You don't wait until every single onramp and exit is complete. That's a waste of resources. It's the same thing with 5G. It's getting built out, step by step.
Does 5G damage your health?
No. This is a huge misconception. In fact, 5G is the safest of all wireless generations. The higher frequency spectrum that 5G uses has less human impact than any previous generation. We've never seen any health problems from 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G. There's no reason to think we will with 5G.
What's the difference between Exponential Tech Investor and your other research service, The Near Future Report?
The biggest difference is the size of the companies I recommend. In The Near Future Report, I focus on large- and medium-cap companies. They make up the bulk of the model portfolio. However, in Exponential Tech Investor I focus on small- and micro-cap companies. I look for those tiny, under the radar plays that could move the needle on your entire portfolio.
Can you help absolute beginners?
YES! Every month, thousands of everyday people are joining my research services... and I get positive feedback every day. If you have a computer and an internet connection, you can start following my work. How much could I make from 5G? Obviously, I can't guarantee anything. But I can say this: the sky's the limit. Historically, phase 2 is when the gains go from great... to fantastic. Little-known stocks can shoot up as high as an extraordinary 868%, 1,745%, and even 1,806% or more. I've targeted a small group of stocks that I think are going to see the biggest gains during this next phase.
I hope these answers were helpful.
If you have more questions, you can watch a full replay of the event here.
Don’t forget: You only have a little time left to take advantage of the special deal. It goes away for good tomorrow night at midnight.